
Dr. Belisle Prescribes a Library Book

We've had a soggy Maine summer. June set a rainy day record, in fact. Obviously this has hampered our ability to engage in beach-outings, but all is not lost. Relaxation is still possible no matter the weather: all it takes is a book.

As a bonus, book-related relaxation can be absolutely free--we need look no further than our local library. Most local libraries even offer summer-specific reading programs. Though some require that children need to be able to read independently, many have special activities designed for their littlest patrons.

Want to get your child excited about a library visit? Raising Readers Recommends Wild About Books by Judy Sierra and Illustrated by Marc Brown. In Wild About Books, librarian Molly McGrew accidentally drives the bookmobile to the zoo and--

"By reading aloud from the good Dr. Suess,
She quickly attracted a mink and a moose,
A wombat, an orynx, a lemur, a lynx,
Eight elephant calves and a family of skinks."

The animals get so excited about reading that...well, I'm not going to tell. You'll have to read Wild About Books to find out for yourself.

Wild About Books
also helps children with an important early literacy skill: phonological awareness. When children listen to rhymes, they become aware of sounds. This is called phonological awareness.

For more information on phonological awareness and other literacy skills, visit the Raising Readers website. Need more book ideas? Check out the Raising Readers Recommends Great Books: Great Topics brochure, also available on the Raising Readers website .

Here's to hoping for the sun, coping with the rain and becoming "wild about books," regardless of the weather!

Lisa M. Belisle, M.D.,M.P.H.
Medical Advisor, Raising Readers

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