
Dr. Belisle Prescribes Books for Feeling Better

Bear is not feeling well and decides to stay home.

"Alone in his cave
as the autumn wind blows,
Bear feels achy

with a stuffed up nose."

His furry friends try to help...but end up with problems of their own. October's
Raising Readers Recommends book is Bear Feels Sick by Karma Wilson and illustrated by Jane Chapman (ISBN 978-0689859854).

A companion book to our four-year-old Raising Readers book Bear Snores On, Bear Feels Sick offers a humorous lesson in hygiene.

Germs Are Not for Sharing by Elizabeth Verdick (ISBN 978-1575421964) is another humorous, yet practical, hygiene-related board book. It engages children with questions such as "When do you wash your hands?" Germs Are Not for Sharing is included in our Readers Recommends Great Books: Great Topics brochure, available through Raising Readers.

Here's to a happy, healthy October!

Lisa Belisle, MD, MPH
Medical Advisor, Raising Readers

From Germs Are Not for Sharing.

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